Wrench, pedal, zip tie. Like Pavlov's dog-- I was writing the receipt before I came to a stop. 9010 bikes, yours will go to Uganda, thanks for the donation, tell your friends!
It's not that I want Americans to give up their bikes-- but I would prefer if they rode ones that didn't shed parts all over the bike path. I'm just saying. And they wonder why I ride in the street....?
But the little fellow was doing so good, I was just thinking that very thing. Until....KERCLUNK...his pedal, befeddled (fell off). You see son, that's why us big guys attach 'em to our shoes; then they don't get lost!
So I picked up his pedal and took it to him. It's true. I had visions of compacting his bike, zip tying the pedals, and leaving him with a carbonless slip of paper. But it was Christmas. I'll send his present on an exotic Caribbean vacation eventually, you watch.
Grinch, I was not. I threaded the pedal back onto the crank and showed his mom where to tighten it with a wrench at home. THEN, Dad appears for the 'rescue'. I'm thinking he's why we all had a pedal party on the CCT to begin with.
Shoot, I should have had him do it himself. Keith, is 4 too young to recruit volunteers?