I mean, the power tool, be it a saw, router, drill, angle grinder, WILL cut right through the flesh....it's jut maybe overkill, so to speak. Really, you could get the job done with a razor blade, butter knife, piece of angry paper!
But that's so not me. FF to: I was balancing my metal angle grinder precariously with one hand as the other struggled to hold still the bottom bracket I was wanting to cut a slot into. FYI...they aren't really wanting a slot cut into them, especially through the threads and all, I'm just saying.
And at some point, while staring at my bare toed flip flops I thought, this is not my brightest moment. And yes I did think, I should use the vise, but it's all the way in the basement...a good 10 feet away.
So there I was cutting a bottom bracket sideways while holding the cup with my fingertips with a circulating grinder skidding its way across toward my unprotected hand. One slip and that slot is going...well you and I both know where it is going.
First you think it, then you do it! How many times have I uttered that blasted phrase? It's fine, I was wearing safety goggles.
Indeed, I now have a slot right there in my opposable thumb. No, it's not what I was going for, but I'm using it as a business card holder. It's fine, really. It's merely a fleshy wound.
And yet again, I would argue that you need a doctor!
I have one! He's just about as far away as one can be. No matter how hard I try I can't draw him back.
Well, one of these days I'm coming to DC to interview, maybe even move back if they take me. Also, I need a bike mechanic!
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