My father was pacing in anger around the traffic cop holding us at bay. I chose the calm, mature approach and listened to the man with the badge. I stayed in the car with my foot on the brake.
Meanwhile, a street away, Santa came to town. Children giggled with glee passing around peppermint sticks and sugar plums. On Park, this child, shivered beneath the threat of night sticks, hand guns and prison.
Unexpectedly, Mr. Police Officer approached, obviously having his fill of her irrational father. He passed by the window without saying a word, pen to paper: THIS IS ABSURD!
I arose with a clatter, "what the fuck is the matter?" You know what they say: you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but ...
And then it was done. The die had been cast. With a shake of the fist...I was on the bad list!
Here we are 22 days from Christmas and I ruined it! HE ruined it! 337 days of nice down the toilet. Thanks a lot DAD.
Oh wait...HE is Santa, we're all good here.
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