Today I have to be at both jobs in one hour. As in, 60 minutes from now I need to be in DC and VA at the same time. Last night during 60 Minutes I wanted to be nowhere near either one.
Yes, indeedy this is about the daily grind...and you know the pun was intended!
It started last night. Clearly it could have been avoided, wasn't necessary, in hindsight not at all worth it...but I take fool responsibility. To spare you the boring details, I lost a spot.
Forgive me Mr. Lopshire: This is truly not new. Still frames, black, color bars too. Oh, they might put me in the zoo as all viewers see what I cannot do.
Prime time. I lost it during Prime Time. Lost is such strong verbiage. I merely misplaced it. Perhaps present it to the client that way...misplaced. Yes, I found it; No, no one else saw it. Fair enough.
In fact, for 30 painfully silent BLACK seconds, my heart raced, I panicked, I sat, I relaxed, I waited, I pretended the ear piercing alarm was the latest background of the newest, hottest rap tune.
I mean it's TV people! Not brain surgery. Yes, I failed at my job, but we all have our days. It's not like I'm an overworked, underslept doctor who neglected to mention a pesky side effect that may or may not cause a minor discomfort like, oh, I don't know...DEATH!
I just monitor and maintain waves and pixels and dbs and such. Truly, I just fill otherwise meaningful thoughtful seconds with mindless, thoughtless drivel. Your welcome.
Hey, as long as it's just a spot, and you don't lose a part of Castle, it's fine by me. And you can tell that to management. I'm sure it'll help.
I'm sure the world would be better off if we could arrange to "lose" a few more minutes of mindless drivel every now and then.
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