This, is a taxi. Note the driver, backseat, light on top. A desirous passenger stands curbside, arm outstretched, often with a finger to the sky. As if to say, Hey Big Guy, thanks for the ride!
That's exactly what I saw just the other night on my way home. Dude on the sidewalk leaving Metro. Arm stretched across Georgia waving at the car on the other side of the red light.
Indeed, driver, backseat, light on top. Not, however, a taxi. Instead, in fact, advertising his company: Domino's.
OH! Like Guinness...BRILLIANT! Just a few miles can run you ten bucks in a cab. You just get a ride and you still have to hail it.
Instead, find yourself a pizza joint. Call ahead, order a pie. Then bum a ride to your house with the delivery guy. Hey, it's on your way!
A discounted fare with a cure for the munchies. Brilliant!
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