It was cool. In the shadow of the Capitol where change happens, groundbreaking bike lanes. Right through the heart of the nation. I mean, COOL.
These are the things I salivate over in other states. I take pictures. I yearn for a friendlier cycling community. And now it's here! In Chocolate City.
And it's perfect. Touristic. Sending a message to the world, in the footprint of the Capitol. Perfect. I dream of a Denverian 16th Street right here on Pa Ave! Transit and peds NO CARS.
By my second pass I change my mind. It's really not that great. It doesn't really go anywhere and you get stuck in the middle. Ain't that the story of my life. And god knows I hate being stuck in the middle.
Here's what I saw. It encouraged pedestrians to Jay walk EVERYWHERE. They just hangin' out in the middle walking all up in my path. Taxis, same thing. U turning through the uncrowded center totally up in my path. It's slightly confusing. Traffic jams and left turns...not good.
The secret is 7th. Touch of Chinese Heaven. After I maneuvered the intersection of 7th and H like a drunken polo match I escaped into a delightful portal. It spit me out south of the intersection CAR FREE!
Yep, as the pedestrians run circles around the cars up there I have time to make my escape. All the way down 7th just me and my bicycle. No noise. No car exhaust. No horns. No near misses.
Give them back Pennsylvania. Can I keep 7th?
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