I would like to pull the plug. Change the channel. Donate my television to the local dump. I'm not disgruntled, bitter, or angry; I'm just done. Problem is, what now?
I've been crunching the numbers, seems like old times. At least this time the math makes more sense. But what I need is more cents. Here's what I came up with: I'll be fine I just need to give up coffee, beer, gas, tv (no problem), and food. I'm bargaining away my vices for the ability to see more sunsets. I think it's a fair trade. But then I think, but some of those things are important, like beer.
Folks keep telling me I need to make a list. A pros cons list. Do I have to, she said in her best only child whine. I know what it's going to tell me and that's not the answer I want to hear. I asked my dad for permission to quit my job. He gave me advice about the list. The things I put on the pro side that are really important to me, put them on TWICE. It's the best advice he's ever given.
Tonight the wind was howling like it was angry about something. Then came the sleet. Beneath the street lights I found a beautiful peculiar scene. It was as if I was riding in a snow globe being assaulted by a pit bull. And I thought, I'm sick of riding in circles.
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