It was a false sense of security. The plows had come, the snow was clear, the streets wet. What a difference a day makes. UNTIL>>>>
I take back everything I've ever said about Chevy Chase and the money and the influence. It was easy going until rolling up on Rodeo Drive. It didn't look like a plow had touched the place. Maybe no one wanted to shop those expensive stores so they neglected the streets.
It was weird I tell you. Clear, clear, clear, NOT. Whahahappened here?? I'm not sure the Civic could have made it honestly. But the sidewalks were clear.
Updating....there is an odd no man's land type bermuda triangle positioned precisely between the Maryland/DC line...apparently. For it is here that no plow dare tread.
True dat. On the way home I bailed to Connecticut, not the state, the clearly unplowed, ill treated street. My luck did not runneth over...but I damn near was.
Funny, there weren't many who worried of my fate, but those who wanted status reports merely wanted them for the day of the blizzard. The two commutes today were decisively worse. But I made it just fine, thanks for asking.
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