Say what you need...hoarder, weirdo, stock piler...but I could last weeks. I've always got emergency funds. Here you see, I was packing up the car to stash at work. It's a new job so I don't yet have emergency food there....now I do. Ravioli, Powerbars, DP, and...Parker?
And you know what's funny? I'm not ever STUCK anywhere. I don't even understand the hubub. What do you mean cabin fever? You can't get out the door?
I haven't missed a spoke. I rode Friday, Saturday, Sunday. When exactly was the storm...oh yeah, definitely Saturday I rode in that shit. My first blizzard, go on mark it down. Sunday though, worse.
When they say stay off the roads they mean it. You are making it impossible. Where exactly do you NEED TO BE? I'm on my way to work, what's your excuse? I wish there was a bike ride simulator so everyone could see the roads the way I see them. Then you'd really understand.
Back roads have become my best friend. They are clear, they are wet, they are passable. The main drags...a major drag.
This morning I felt like I was 7 barely peering over the steering wheel of that antique car ride at Hershey Park. You know banging the car into the rail that keeps you from getting off course if you are well 7 (or 70) and unable to drive.
But here on my one seater, I got locked into a sloppy tread and just kept banging against the 6" side. Either I need a straighter bar, YES, (ha, straighter bar, ha) or I need to get my pedallying ass off the destroyed main roads YES. And these are our Evacuation Routes out of the city?!?!
1 comment:
Well you know that's gonna happen if you just leave a cat trap sitting there like that.
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