Today I drove my car slalom down the highway, because I could. There was a chasm of space between me and the white line to the right and a span from me to the yellow on the left. No eight second mirror checks for me. Thank God for sense or someone may have called me in as a drunk driver. I think I might ask Dylan for her Mini so I can take it out on the Beltway and do donuts in the slow lane. Again, because I can. I am still amazed that a group of bikers was invited to take part in a cycling event as drivers of large vehicles no less. I'm not done. We, the bikers/volunteer drivers, commute by bike, play on bike, shop by bike, some of us don't even own a car! Then they take us and throw us in vehicles we are unaccustomed to to preform an act we as a whole cannot swear to doing on a regular basis and expect miracles. Hours and hours staring at a long straight unchanging road, little talking, no radio (shh people are sleeping), temperature controlled by someone other than the driver, no sweets...are you freaking kidding me? How bout the night the crew leader had me four wheeling the RV. Although fun and exciting for us the passengers had no clue except that it was difficult to sleep with their feet above their heads. Then to top it all off you switch up our vehicles and the terrain finally changes. YippeeKiYea...I'm flying like a kid on a roller coaster. THEN, you ground me for sleep deprivation based on my driving skills?!?!?! Are you joking? Ever consider this biker just has bad driving skillz? I'm just sayin'
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