But then I'd miss the free McDonald's food. And mid-country on no sleep that is equivalent to a big juicy filet mignon. Okay, no, it's really still just McDonald's; I'm never THAT out of it. Besides there's home cooked food waiting for us in Camdenton, Misery (formerly known as Missouri). And showers in F-ingham Illinois.
Back to the sleeping. Well, first of all you get real comfy with your new family. You'll be spooning someone you didn't know six months ago. Less than six months? I know!
I'm not sure I knew Phoenix six hours, but the concrete slab in WVA sure was cold. I warmed up to the idea of sharing my blanket right quick.
So this compartment I'm in here is "no room at the inn" during RAAM. And there's four beds, but nine people.
And I'm picky; I won't lie down next to any old body even when I'm sleepy as hell. So there's that.
Ask anyone, I'm an outdoorsy type. Sporty funky I've been labeled. Oh, I'll be funky alright. Did I mention the shower is full of supplies and off limits? Yeah. CP never did wrap her mind around that one.
My point, and I do have one, is I like to sleep outside. I don't care where. On the concrete. Under a sign. Over the asphalt. I do not mind green grass on the lam. I cannot mind, RAAM I am.

1 comment:
Are you sleeping
In a box?
Sleeping cutely
Like a fox?
Is your sleeping
Spot ideal?
Never sleep
Behind the wheel.
Still away?
Still driving? Damn.
Hurry homeward,
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