I have no clear goal. No definite plan. Not true. The plan was to quit TV. I gave myself 2 years. Those years are up. In life I set a goal and then I do it. Gives you something to work for, something to achieve, something to overcome. I'm focused that way. Goal met. Plan enacted.
And let me put it to you this way. I could continue to eat out of plastic containers that melted in the microwave and contain the same leftover disappointment I ate three days in a row while straining to hear the thoughts in my head as the cleaning crew mops and vacuums around me AS I AM EATING....or I could eat fresh healthy food I just made in my adult bake oven.
I could continue to work 15 hour days with just enough time to shower and go to sleep before getting up to do it again. I could continue to be sad and lonely, uninvited to parties and family functions because I have to stay and watch really bad TV go by. Reality shows of people living while I...sit. I could continue to never dream of a different life because it will never come....
Or I C O U L D Q U I T...which did I mention, I just did. 16 years of service and I just faded to black. No reception for me, no cake, no thanks for your service. Just leave your card with Tom and get the hell out. Okay, cool. Really, I'm cool with that. Amazing how getting laid off can change a person. And then Q U I T T I N G in the end. Et Tu.
Welcome, brand new life. I have been waiting for you. Let's go have some fun...
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