First, please don't tell the girl. Girl: please log off immediately, I think I smell smoke, you should go check it out. But when I got up today I wanted coffee. Now I know she told me where the filters were, I can see her holding them when I close my eyes. I just can't remember from where she pulled them.
So I dug deep for my McGyver skills. Okay, and second, it was already used so I didn't waste an IKEA napkin. You see the girl loves IKEA napkins, goes on and on about them. So I thought, these things must be industrial good. Good enough to run coffee through, or so I hoped. Take that Bounty.
Now somehow the girl is going to find this out. I have NO idea how but she will. And then I will get the eye. Maybe even, "Baby, I told you where the filters were..." She did. I admitted that above. She gave me a novelette of items to remember about co-habitating in her house. I've got the internet to work but I'm not even going to try the TV and that's sad given my background. But it's not my fault the boss says I'm untrainable.
But they were IKEA napkins! I bet it even says, can be used as coffee filters right there on the packaging. They didn't catch fire. And I did the dishes and picked up sticks. And dinner, did you want your sauce on top or on the side?
You shouldn't have given Boi the day off (again). Baby, I unplugged the coffee pot as soon as it was done. Just like the novelette says.
ooh. I just found the filters.
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