Well that's a bit of a flip. I found myself on the wrong side of a lens today. But look, I survived!
Let's start with early morning, when I decided it would be a good idea to google this 'cable station' we were about to be on. Turns out the translation, or my interpretation of it, was somehow skewed. This was less of your garden variety community access channel and more of a globally accessed 24 Hour satellite news operation. Entirely less Wayne, ALL World.
And yes, Mom, if you have the Filipino Channel at home, you could have seen me live on television. Prime Time in the States to be exact. Oh, wow, I don't think I realized that until just now.
So we exchange our Licenses for All Access TV passes. Guards Everywhere, at the gate, inside the building, and yet once we got in, no escort. I poked my head around a little but clearly nothing for me to get into on this floor, except dimmer rooms and UPS...which are kind of important in TV.
So we head to the Peach Room. In case you aren't a fancy, important TV star none of them are typically Green. But the anchor himself, did come down and personally welcome us to the show, so that impressed me. Then Makeup....da da da....
Jo and I decided this was all about Joel. He's the main attraction, we were just the pips. We could stand behind shuffle our feet, snap our fingers, and croon shooby dooby doo. Anything to keep me out of that Makeup chair!
In the end, I survived. We all did. Our phones were not ringing off the hook with kudos of our show as they had the night before on the radio program. Yeah, Man! (you probably had to be there). And we uneventfully went to Starbucks afterwards and not a single person asked for our autographs. One small child ran up to us eagerly with an outstretched hand, but that's it.
15 Minutes...checked off the bucket list, as if it were even on it! Oh, and in case you were wondering, Yes I found my hat, but No I couldn't wear it on teevee. She actually handed me a brush...I don't have to think she was telling me something. I looked at it like, what the heck is this?? Then I went mountain biking all done up and pretty.
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