Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tale Light

How do you like that? My light has an effingham sense of humor. All the way home I bet it stayed dark. NOW it works. Nice.

I've gotten lazy. I'm a layzee biker. I used to carry a flashlight. I used to carry spare batteries. I used to have a spare light in my locker. I used to have a spare light on my helmet. I used to care.

Now I'm not even sure if the spare tube I have in my bag is good. Or fits. Or if my pump is in there. I don't have reflective gear, I'm not wearing bike shoes, and there isn't a shiny bit on my wooden bicycle.

So there I was tonight with a broken light. Or apparently, one that only works on the kitchen table. Oooooh, as I sit here now, I'm thinking there just might have been a working light on my hub. Funny thing is, it doesn't work if you don't remember.

"It's not a law to have a light on your bike is it?"

"Indeed it is."

"But a cop won't pull you over and give you a ticket"

"I'm more concerned about not being seen than the law."

"But I see bikers out there all the time without lights"

"Again, I'm not interested in the ones you SEE, just the ones you DON'T. "

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