Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pedal Pusher

Zapatos. They're sandals. And what do I think of them? Why do you ask? It will influence my answer.

Well they're not Keens. If you're buying them because you love the feel of your Keens, keep shopping. And they are hot. Kinda hotter than my shoes.

Have you ever unclipped a sandal? It's not easy to get out of. I'm only mentioning it because the first time my sandals met traffic my face met the pavement. If there's a pros/cons list: CON. Although on the sandals front, the Keen is the sturdiest I've tried: PRO.

I just saw a commerical that says I should be paid for this. Giving my opinion on products is worth cool cash...and here you are gettin' it for free! For what it's worth.

And if you're prone to rubber little bits know exactly who you are!...sandals are the worst! One sharp turn and you're going down again. Even IF you can get your foot out of the pedal.

I love my new pedals by the way. The other platform/SPDs....two thumbs down...and you get that rating withOUT the SUV sideswipe. That's free on free. But these babys...N.I.C.E.

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