It's about puppies. People L O V E them some puppies. People do sick and crazy things for puppies. Things they don't even do for babies.
And here's the thing, I'm not a dog owner (sniff, anymore) but this seems like common sense. And still I hear it on the TV ALL the time. ALL. THE. TIME. When it's hot, your dogs get hot. Don't leave them in cars and remember their poor pads. If I've heard it once, I've heard it too much!
Apparently not. Today this poor little pup was at Capital Pride and although the temperature is lower than it's been, it was still HOT. And when sun meets pavement, it COOKS. And I could smell puppy paws.
Have you ever walked on hot pavement? It's effingham hot! Unbearably HOT. You dance. From foot to foot. For relief. Until you can sprint to grass. Tell me you don't.
But this guy was on a leash. Being led by an incredible cruel owner. He picked up his paw and his paw and his paw and his paw. What else could he do? He's got FOUR feet! I've never seen a dog look that unhappy. Right about then his owner just stopped. To flirt. Or talk. Or whatever the fuck.
Actually here's what I suggest...not prison. Hot pavement. Let's stand the owners on sunny warm pavement and make them just STAND there. No hopping, no running, no relief of any kind. I suspect some people haven't stood on hot pavement since they were 10. I think just maybe, they need a reminder....
1 comment:
Hello! Greetings from Japan! Hope all is well! I'm about to get onboard a floating piece of hot pavement for 6 weeks. Hope to talk to you soon!
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