For the past few days he resided at 4506 ONP. It's a nice sized family restaurant up for grabs. $979k. So if you have a cool Mil lying around could I appeal to your centses?
Really, someone needs to buy this joint. To get rid of its owner if nothing else. Is it any wonder the grease pit went under? With owners like that who needs customers?
There's this little bike race that spans the land, it's called RAAM. For the past few years the over sized parking lot of this boarded up abandoned building served as an oasis in a fiercely fought fight.
Many a weary traveler has collapsed behind the wheel before the roar of an overworked engine even came to a purr. The hood of their home never so much as cooling before whisking away once again in a crazy race to the finish.
But this Saturday that all came to an end. When the Meanest Man in the World laid claim to his empty, unused, abandoned piece of asphalt. Closing it off to any and all.
Pourquoi? Por que? Zakaj? Waarom? Varfor? Perche? Exactly.
All I can think is he wanted to be not just an asshole, but a Globally known Asshole. Mission Accomplished. And Restaurant still Empty.
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