Fixie, CaBi, Fixie, CaBi, me...Crazy.
And I get behind this gal on a CaBi, all decked out for the office. Little skirt blowing in her own breeze, Federal ID badge dangling from her purse.
I'm impressed. She seems right comfortable on that bike. I tried to take her picture but I wasn't nearly as comfortable. She impressed me with her skills. She attempted maneuvers and weaves not covered in Biking 101.
She went through lights and kissed the curbs like a regular bike messenger. On a CaBi, in a skirt. When she went through the first narrow bus passageway, I thought, WOW. I mean I would do that, but not everyone would squeeze through that.
When she approached the next one, I reached for my camera. I couldn't believe she was going for it! Like threading a needle in moving traffic. It was TIGHT. I wasn't going to follow, no way. But there she went carefree cruising down 14th: snug as a bug in a rug.
Metro bus inching along, parked cars bumper to bumper, and Gabby CaBi scaring the advertisement off the bus. Seriously, she had ll that much space between her left handlebar and Doug Hill's face!
BUT WAIT, cars have mirrors! They protrude from the car. It's not often that a pannier will take out a rear view mirror but an occasional bag or elbow might knock boots. But tight squeezes with straight handlebars.....
Gabby CaBi demolished the mirror! She bent it all the way forward to the hood of the car. And stayed on the bike. Bounced into the moving Metro Bus and got a little friendly with the Monday Night Lineup. And stayed on the bike.
She kept right on going. And Stayed. On . The. Bike. Like a pinball off a series of bumpers my girl never lost a stroke. She rode that bike like she had somewhere to go. And away she went...
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