What I'm proposing to solve is traffic congestion, speeding, bikes on streets, oh, and the county budget. Is that all? Yes, and it's simple! Do NOTHING.
This photo is a picture of the far right lane of Wisconsin Avenue. It sucks. It's not fit to ride a bike on. And I don't usually. In Maryland I stay off Wisconsin, Connecticut, Georgia, Montrose...there's a long list of them.
So when I hear a complaint from drivers for us bikers to stay off certain roads I get pissed. I go out of my way to avoid them. But then I end up on Sligo Creek, Beach, Jones Mill, Rock Creek...park roads. And they still bitch.
"IS it right for the bicyclists to force sharing a non sharable road when they have a trail right there?" I don't know, IS it right for the drivers, talking on the phone, putting on makeup, speeding, to impatiently try to pass on a two lane road when the beltway is right there??
There are enough roads I can't ride on and plenty more I won't. And I'm still looking for that trail head at the end of my driveway. The one that goes to every point I need...my job, the store, the doctor, a post office, every event I want to go to, every thing I want to see.
But if you stop resurfacing the roads you want me off....I'll stop riding them. Cars will slow down. Ladies will keep the lipstick capped. People may even silence the cell phone use if the road gets bad enough.
Think about it. We won't need pesky speeding cameras. Budgets won't take an even bigger hit after a salty winter. You won't need to move left to pass the VEHICLE up ahead that just happens to be a BIKE.
The solution IS simple. Do NOTHING. Let the roads deteriorate. Save gas. Lower taxes. Buy mountain bikes. Get healthy. Bike THAT, punk!
Next Up: Health Care, the first step already in motion...
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