Poor Parker was home S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G. I found her perched above the phone; I think she was dialing Animal Control or the Humane Society or some NPO sympathetic to her pleas.
She had collapsed as she was obviously robbed of vital nutrients...yeah right, who's buying this? She was pacing and pouncing in the window crying and begging as I approached the house.
JDog is convinced she can be trained like a dog. Again, yeah right! Princess P will NOT sit to be rewarded food. The cat that licks her paw and puts it in the center of your plate? Who knocks chips on the floor, steals spinach from the counter, and plays flying squirrel when you open a jar of peanuts?
Oh no she won't sit to be fed. In fact she likes to leap like a frog when you grab the food container. Tonight her landing was olympic disaster. Not at all with the grace of a flexible feline. Unless of course you were going for Diving Horse of Altantic City past?
That's right, Diving Horse. Right smack in the center of her water bowl. SPA-LASH!! Cat-a-pool! Redesignating the water in her bowl to water in her bowl. Great Parker, now where would you like me to put this dry kibble?
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