This had better be good! I have been looking for DC bike polo for about three years now. It's not like it's on the DL or kickin' the Underground. I just firmly believe its coordinates are the Bermuda Triangle.
After about my fourth triangle, I was ready to throw in the sweat soaked towel. It wasn't meant to be. I mean, riding bike is fun, but when you're sweating salt and spitting plastic your patience starts to run thin.
I am on the corner of Lo St. and I don't have a map or an Iphone. Instead, I phone a friend. Hi! I need to find the corner of 6th and Penn, can you help me?
DC EyePhone: It's on the corner of Penn and 6th. You don't know where Pennsylvania is?
Me: No, Penn! 6th and Penn! P.E.N.N.
DC EyePhone: Penn? 6th and Penn? Oh, I see it. What are you doing there? You know that isn't the best part of town...
Really? Thanks Buddy! This Abbott and Costello routine would have been much funnier if I weren't standing on the corner of Michigan and Monroe watching the same drug deal for the fourth time.
I felt a bit like Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond. God. Damn. Blueberries. But at the end of the day, I could finally say I found DC's best kept secret.