I believe it is a common workplace activity. Typically someone is specifically hired to handle it. Assignment Editor, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, Keeper of the Schedule.
No disrespect, it's a tough gig. Much of my time is lost manipulating a schedule. Taking countless patients or clients and juggling them into one 9-5 day is no easy feat. And everyone has a special need. If only there were some type of diagram.
The key is understanding what the doctor, technician, laborer, whomever, DOES. Take for example DirecTV. How often do they actually fall within their estimated window of service? Maybe because their scheduling department doesn't understand what is necessary for installation.
But here's the thing. I cancelled an appointment today. An OBGYN appointment. Let's just say my Aunt Flo came to visit and I had to reschedule. Here's what the scheduler offered instead:
"Okay, how about the 10th, exactly 4 weeks from now?" And I'd like to point out she is a woman.
"Great, but let me refer you to the diagram your people gave me when I was 12....I don't think that's any better."
"The 11th?"
"Really? Ma'am, the diagram, refer...to...the...d.i.a.g.r.a.m! 4 weeks, 4 days...sound familiar? Are you all offering a one day solution pill I don't know about?"
FYI...that thing up above, with the phone....don't try it at home.
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