Coming into Pagosa Springs we rolled up on an accident. It was all of a sudden and shocking. I don't think we processed what we were seeing.
I mean, I know it was an RV, and it was crunched. But really all I saw was RACE COVERAGE.
The journalist in me took over, but a second too late. Who, What, How? We became a team of bowed heads. No one was praying or soul searching...they were surfing, sole surfing.
Some tapped on computers, some pulled on ipads, most cradled iphones. All came up empty. The information highway, here tucked between the mountains, was not as fast as the highway of life.
I am a tech, but not a techie. I went inside the gas station and asked. Whahahappened? RV ax, 06:00, 8 injured, non serious.
I reported back to my crew. "How do you know that?"
I asked. A human! Imagine.
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