I laid down upon a wood planked walk. My feet propped upon the stilts of the house, book in hand, sun in eyes. When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter (for real!) and a red haired pooch came barreling by my head.
Engrossed in my book I didn't budge and expected its owner to poke her head around the corner any second. But she never materialized and I could feel the beast just beyond my reach. I tilted my head backwards to glance upside down at....not a puppy at all but a small deer on the beach!
Oh yes I did!
We froze staring at each other completely frightened by the other. Out of the corner of my eye I could barely see planks and realized just how close I had come to having my lights hoofed out!
I panicked some more wondering, if after deciding to flee, this thing would finish me off. I slowly righted myself and stared him eye to fuzzy antler just before he took off across the tiny beach. Into the next property and next and bounded off right there through the bay water!
Wow. Recue the sunset.
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