This is a remedial post. We've been here before, we'll be back here again, but we could all use a refresher. It's simply a reminder to USE YOUR SIGNAL.
We bikers are an easy target. I'm talking online, print, TV, media. For some reason we are up there with the flag, abortion, gay marriage... People like to raise their opinionated voices about sharing the road (or not as the case often is).
Lately I keep hearing the one about how I'm not allowed to pass on the right. I understand the theory, but don't you pass on the right? If you are driving down Connecticut Avenue on a three lane road are you saying the right lane never passes any car. Not a slow one in the middle trying to straddle the skinny artery? The jam in the left trying to turn across 3 opposing lanes? The smart one who knows there's about 8 traffic cameras in a row right in front of the police sub station?
How about on 14th, same scenario? You've never rolled up on a left turning car and spilled over into the bike lane to pass on the right? It's just not unreasonable to pass on the right is all I'm saying. It often makes good sense. I don't particularly care for when you steal the bike lane to pass when I'm already in it, but look at me sharing the road!
But here's my issue. You push me over as far as the law legally allows, which is shitty. It is. The shoulder is filled with gravel and debris, glass from discarded bottles, remnants of distracted drivers...It's covered in dangerous wet leaves, dirt, mud, banks of plowed snow. The potholes aren't fixed, the grates precariously placed, and drop offs unpredictable.
We ride in the dangerous door zone. Often. The bike lane is painted in it! Pedestrians walk out in front of us ALL the time. Texting, walking, not paying attention. Okay, now let's retouch on signals...
What I'm hearing lately is that we are supposed to act like cars. We aren't allowed to actually ride in the right traffic lane and take it, but we have to respect it? If a car is in front of us we are not supposed to pass it? You would prefer I pass on the left? Really? A line of cars is sitting at a red light and I can't continue on in the lane that I am pedaling in to approach the light? I have to stay 8 car lengths back and risk not making the light because they are timed for cars not me? Come on!
Here is what I do....I consult the blinking lights on the cars in front of me and proceed accordingly. IF a car has a right turn signal on, I don't pass it. It is after all, about to turn right. I respect that. But if a car is going straight, as indicated by not employing a turn signal, why wouldn't I just keep pedaling right along side it?
WHY? Because drivers 'forget?' to use turn signals. Deem them unnecessary? Can't possibly lift their arm to yank the stick on the steering column? Think bikers shouldn't be there anyway! I'm not sure what it is, but it's somewhere between 6.5 out of 10 drivers who actually use them. No one ever admits it, but I see them out there all the time. They cut me off, brush me, honk at me for getting in their way.