Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why Shouldn't I Talk To Strangers?

It was more of a greasing of the fingertips really. And I didn't know it would end that way, really. I was just trying to help.

What it was was two pedalticioners stradling the patient preparing to send out a call to summon the last rites.

Mcgyver to the rescue! Oh, geez, gosh, I dunno, this is a tough one. think, think, think....I'm pretty sure I said it out loud.

The chain was good and stuck between the frame and the sproket. Good. And. Stuck! If I had a hammer....

Yep, that did it. A hammer, a screw driver, a pair of hands, a foot for leverage, whack, whack!

And the woman apologizes for her bike. No, no, but you may need a new chain now that we've banged the shit out of it- your bike is perfect.

She says, no I'm getting rid of it. I look up, wide eyed, and say, I'll take it! I work for Bikes for the World.....

Wait, I thought it was my day off?

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