But as it were, it was more of a *theory* than a *practice*. Look, I didn't invent the accidentalreachacross, it's been around since Fred could make the bedrock. Baby, call me Mr. Flintstone....
Okay, it's not really 'around' the office. Technically, it's not even actually 'an office'. And it's only between me and one guy. :Semantics:
So me and....let's call him Feelemehboob, you know, to semi-protect the semi-innocent. Yeah, my example alias is East Indian, and?
So Mr. Feelemehboob initiates the accidentalreachacross like the infamous stretchandlean or the oft used behindthebacktuckandpeek.
Truly, theory not practice, completely innocent, he actually announces it as he simulates the play. Really, who's ever gonna ever accidentallyreachacross and find anything by me!?!.......Really.
And then......Again, I bike corrected. Yes, bike; I was on my bike. And there it was, the accidentalreachacross right in the middle of my near pedalestrian collision. And that's just how close it was. He shoots....He scores!
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