This is a test of Emergency Biker Survival. In the event that this was a true biker emergency this message would be followed by detailed instructions on how to retrieve your stranded, incapacitated, or completed exhausted biker. I repeat, this is only a test.
You may now resume your regularly scheduled projects. No, really. Stand down men! Don’t leave your sneakers in the buff. It was merely a test. I’ll be fine. "My wheel just doesn’t spin."
Well now even the uncyclistest of folk knows that ain’t right. Wheel doesn’t SPIN? Did I say that out loud?!? That certainly SOUNDS essential. A non-rotating wheel falls...down, no?
Hmmm…yes, I guess the hub by definition is the single most important, central part of well, anything, so it’s spoke. And if you don’t take care of your cones, well your ride will suffer. It is indeed true, lube can make even a bad ride feel much better. I’m just saying….
And well, the ride home, although slow and arduous, was spectacular. The distant roar of fireworks, the amazing show of fireflies, the exaggerated fire drill. Even when life sucks, it is still quite a show.
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