When I get the estimate, which changes by the way, I call my dad and say, really? Really, should a distributor cost that much? To which he responds, "do you want your car back?" Fair enough. I was in a pickleroo. It was after all DITD (dead in the driveway).
Stepping back a few days can I just tell you when I walked into the garage there was a dude standing in there. Just hanging out. I couldn't tell if he worked there or if he was waiting on his car or what. Mind you I just called to say my car was OTW. Now, outside my car is being dewinched off the back of a tow truck that has monopolized the entire gas station. And this guy looks at me and says, do you need something?
So fast forward to now. Car's all fixed. New tires, new spark plugs, new muffler, and now newish distributor (yeah, I think that price was for a used part!) Obviously I've made a commitment to this car this year. And why not? It's a Civic. Even the tow dude said, yeah, that's a great car; lasts forever!
Define forever.
Today I finally found a replacement battery for my clicker. It's only been about a month. Everywhere I went that particular battery was sold out. One kid at the Lowes tried to sell me another number. "I know the number doesn't match but that's cuz there's two of them in the package." Really? That's okay Baby I'll wait, stay in school, study hard, learn a trade.
You won't believe this. It's not the battery. Ah....that would explain why both clickers died at the exact same time. I believe it might be the receiver in the car. Perfect. So now the car runs great, but the locks don't work, the volume button on the radio is jacked, the windows might go back up if you put them down, and I'm afraid to put anything of value in the CD player. Oh, and biker beware if you mount your steed on top of my vehicle; it melts forks for fun.
Have I mentioned I don't even use my car? So yeah, I just spent $740 on an ugly piece of rusted lawn art. I would have been better off to leave it sit, save $700 bucks, and buy $40 worth of lights to decorate the damn thing.
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