The driver leaned over and back and said, “Excuse me…” This
is how they ‘get you’. They act like they are in need of assistance and then
they try to school you. And not like they ever ask, but this particular night I
was all good with my pile of knowledge, thanks.
So he says, “I just wanted to let you know you aren’t very
visible from behind.” Now I had checked my light before I left and I knew it
was bright and visible. The headlight….not so much, it was desperately in need
of a charge. And so I waved my hand in front of my sputtering headlamp and
said, “I’m not overly visible from the front right now either and the longer we
stand here and discuss it the less visible I become so I’d really rather go.”
Then, because he’s the type that knows everything and needs
to not only let every one of us know that but also spread his diarrhea of knowledge
around the crib like a unsupervised baby with a dirty diaper, he starts to talk
about the angle from which my light is dangling from my bag and the trajectory
of light emanating from within.
He follows this up with, “And you should really have
reflectors on your pedals.” Okay, Mr.
Selfish…did I not mention my dying headlight? I politely and less condescending
than him explained that real pedals don’t really work that way, but
thanks again. I left out the presence of the glowing reflectors
on my shoes, bag, jacket, and gloves, which he clearly didn't see.
And if he actually had his eyes on the road, the brightly
lit city road, he might actually see me. Given the field angle times the
hypotenuse of the beam spread divided by the width of the lens x focal
length of the instrument minus the kelvins
absorbed by my dark clothing…Really I just wanted to say, maybe it's your driving.
Then he gunned the engine, scared the elderly man dead
center of his front bumper carefully crossing the street in the crosswalk, as I
screamed, “Don’t hit the pedestrian in front of you!” The street crosser breathed a sigh
of Thanks to me and I rest my case about this guy’s driving. Just sayin...
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