Here in the Nation's Capital it often feels like my life is defined by Corporate Rat Race traffic. Or rather was, that is, until I became a modern day turtle (bicyclist). Now, I often wonder where all the modern day rabbits (drivers) are 'rushing' off to. Did they mistakenly confuse gridlock with gridiron? Was it the promise of an afternoon of tailgating? What exactly drove those wascally wabbits so fast and furious into the trap of our Nation's Capitol Parking Lot? The same impatient commuters who raged past me, the slow and steady cyclist, now sit herded into a big bunny mass with red beady eyes glaring at the driver behind. This my friends is the Beltway, it ain't FedEx Field, and there ain't no party going on! These snared hares duck and weave their way through off shoots and side streets in an afternoon ritual to achieve this Lot. They speed by crosswalks, fly over speed bumps, and treat red road signs as Stoptionals. Thankfully I survived another day; I'll see you when you get home. "Don't brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the Race".
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