Of course if you run over a person standing in the middle of the street there is going to be a BUMP. The sign is unnecessary and bad advertising. It's not good for a county's image to encourage this type of behavior.
A much more effective sign might read GLASS to alert cyclists to fade left to avoid potential blowouts. This would also alert motorists to watch for weaving riders. This would in turn cause them to avoid BUMPs in the road.
But alas my tire was slashed. If I lived in PG County and drove a car I would be page 3 of the 5 o’clock news. If I lived in PG County I would naturally assume there is always glass on the shoulder.
“Someone slashed your tire!?!”
“Yeah, well I rode over some glass really. What! Somebody put it there on purpose!”
1 comment:
Not only does this sign encourage people to drive over someone to go bump, they apparently are giving you 20 points for it. I assume MPH is "more points here"
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