"The guy that can only sleep with his girlfriend, help all his friends, and not be frustrated with himself at the same time."
Seriously? I mean really? Can I google that? Order him from Amazon? Bid on it on Ebay?
Are you yanking my chain?! Could that possibly exist? Well I can't wait. Go figure. I will learn to make my own pancakes damn it. Or I will starve. There you have it.
How hard can it be? Wake up, make coffee, flour, milk, eggs. Vanilla. I love vanilla. In my coffee, in my coke, in my pancakes. No fruit, no chocolate, just syrup. Just the way I like it, thank me very much.
Ah, if you want it done, and you want it right...now, learn to make your own pancakes. I get it! And I know. I like them in the morning, after coffee, at my table. Or for dinner, at my table. The table I made myself, metal, screws, wood. Yes, pancakes by myself. Punk you very much!
Wise words, from a Wiseman. Grab a gear and go.... First a few of my own: don't break the cycle, break the chain. And every cyclist knows comfort lies in taking care of the corr.
Wise words, good goals. Bring mug, have coffee...AND TABLE. No scratchy.